BLK Colors
Brands Color Codes
The official color of BLK is Black. The color scheme can be seen below. For your convenience, the colors are presented in different color spaces.
BLK RGB, CMYK, Hex, Pantone Color Codes
BLK Logo Colors:
CMYK: 70 67 64 74
HEX: #231f20
RGB: 35 31 32
PANTONE: PMS Neutral Black C
In 2011, BLK, a sports apparel and clothing company was established with its headquarters in Australia. Its product line includes a variety of fashionable sportswear and accessories for men, women, and children such as T-shirts, sweatshirts, leggings and hats. This company has gained a strong foothold in the Australian market as well as selling their products to other countries all over the world. Besides their own brand they also manufacture items for other sports and fashion brands.