Discord Colors

Brands Color Codes

The official colors of Discord are Blurple and White. The color scheme can be seen below. For your convenience, the colors are presented in different color spaces.

Discord RGB, CMYK, Hex, Pantone Color Codes

Discord Logo Colors:


CMYK: 56 43 0 0

HEX: #7289da

RGB: 114 137 218



CMYK: (0,0,0,0)

HEX: #ffffff 

RGB: (255,255,255)

Jason Citron, the co-founder of OpenFeint, developed Discord in 2015 as a communication tool specifically for gamers across multiple platforms.

Discord, with its simple interface and focus on gaming, quickly rose in popularity as an alternative to communication platforms such as Skype and Teamspeak. It permits users to create or join virtual “servers” for messaging one another via voice, text, or video. In addition, Discord provides features like screen sharing and live streaming which have made it a hit among gamers and streamers alike. Currently, it has over 100 million active users.

Brands Colors

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